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当前位置: AMP连接器 > 其他产品 > Madison Cable 高端电缆线缆 > 57034-1
MINI-SAS; TE CONNECTIVITY; Mini-SAS Rcpt Assy V w/ Shld T-H,36p; 产品类型:连接器; 连接器种类:母端; 针数:36; 端口数量:1; PCB 安装方向:垂直
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57034-1 详细介绍

Single Component
Conductor: 26 AWG 7/34 Tin Plated Copper, 0.019 Inch Diameter ;

Final Assembly
Core: Singles Laid Flat and Parallel (See Table 1) ;
Insulation/Jacket: 0.010 Inches Nominal of PVC, Color - Gray ;
Dimensions: See Table 1 and Cross-Sectional Drawing ;
Identification: Polarity Edge Mark Shall Cover at Minimum the Edge of Cable to Centerline of the First Conductor and Shall Not Exceed the Centerline of the Second Conductor Top and Bottom, Color – Red 。
Print Legend: ` AWM STYLE 2651 105°C 300V VW-1 MADISON CABLE {Mfg Location Code}1 CSA AWM I A 105°C 300V FT1"
 Mfg. Location Code is an optional code that is inserted for manufacturing location
other then Worcester.